再回首:looking back
我就是我,不一样的烟火:I am me,not the same fireworks
你永远不懂我伤悲,就像白天不懂夜的黑:you never understand my sorrow, like the darkness of the night
即使我们四面楚歌,也不要忘记自己尊贵而骄傲的呼吸:Even if do not forget the noble besiegend on sides ,and proud of the breath
我爱你,却与你无关:I love you,but I have nothing to do with you
忘记是风度,舍得是智慧:Forget is the grace ,it is wisdom
永远不要过早的宣判自己:Never judge yourself too early
失望,有时候反而是一中幸福:Disappointed ,sometimes it's a kind of happiness
- 上一篇:领袖用典丨江山留胜迹,我辈复登临
- 下一篇:孟浩然唐诗与诸子登岘山赏析